杜邦VESPEL CR-6100获得API认可,可提高泵的性能


杜邦VESPEL CR-6100获得API认可,可提高泵的性能

通过在炼油厂的离心泵中多个耐磨部件的长期性能验证,杜邦VESPEL CR-6100零件*近获得了ISO13709和API610的官方认可。在这两个*新版本标准中,杜邦VESPEL CR-6100被列为泵静部件的推荐材料。

杜邦的全球市场经理Rene Garza说:“我们坚信,随着杜邦VESPEL CR-6100正式列入ISO13709和API610标准,VESPEL CR-6100部件将会进一步扩大其在炼化和石化行业不同的泵中的应用。目前全球有100多个炼化厂,超过5000台泵正在使用杜邦VESPEL CR-6100制成的部件。成熟的应用包括泵的口环,轴间衬套,滑动轴承,减压衬套等,主要用于输送冷凝水,烯烃类,酸水,液烃,汽油等其他难以输送的介质。工作的温度范围从-252°C到288°C。

据Garza说明,VESPEL CR-6100能够不断获得泵中应用的主要原因就是它可以提高泵的性能,节约能耗和降低操作成本,并且可以减少泄露的发生。由于VESPEL CR-6100特殊的性能,相对于金属口环等金属摩擦副来说,使用VESPEL CR-6100和金属摩擦副后其设计间隙可以大大降低。更紧的运行间隙可以提高泵的效率,节约能耗,大幅度降低震动幅度,从而可以减少摩擦副的磨损量。通过多年的使用证明,当出现异常情况,如干转或者吸入压力和流量不足时,VESPEL CR-6100零件仍然可以正常工作而不会出现意外停机和泄露等不良后果。另外,VESPEL CR-6100可能抵抗几乎所有的化学介质,包括胺和强酸。


Long valued for their performance in wear rings and other parts of centrifugal pumps at oil refineries, DuPont? Vespel? CR-6100 parts have recently gained recognition under the ISO 13709 International Standard and the American Petroleum Institute’s API 610 Standard.  The latest editions of both standards list PFA (perfluoroalkoxy) polymer reinforced with carbon fibers, the generic composition of DuPont? Vespel? CR-6100 parts, as a recommended material for stationary pump parts.

“We’re confident that the ISO 13709 and API 610 listings will result in even broader use of Vespel? CR-6100 for pump parts in refineries and petrochemical plants,” said Rene Garza, global marketing manager, energy and material handling – DuPont? Kalrez? and Vespel?.  Vespel? CR-6100 parts are working today in over 5,000 pumps at more than 100 refineries and petrochemical plants around the globe.  Proven applications include wear rings, line shaft bearings, bowl bearings, pressure-reducing bushings and throat bushings in pumps handling condensate, light hydrocarbons, sour water, gas liquids, gasoline and other aggressive fluids. Service conditions in actual installations range from cryogenic temperatures up to 288°C (550°F). 

Key factors in the growing use of Vespel? CR-6100 parts are that they enable improved pump performance, energy savings and lower operating costs, and can cut emission failures, according to Garza.  Thanks to their unique properties and attributes, Vespel? CR-6100 parts such as wear rings can operate with lower clearance than metal components.  Tighter clearances save energy by improving pump efficiency and sharply reducing vibration, thus cutting wear and tear on other pump components.  Vespel? CR-6100 parts have proven that they can reduce downtime and emission spikes by continuing to operate during process upsets that produce run-dry or low-flow conditions.  In addition, they are highly resistant to most chemicals, including amines and strong acids.


